请注意:lsamman的PK2, PK3, PK4和K的生日截止日期是12月31日.

有兴趣加入蓝莓? 2024-2025学年的名额有限. 可以在年中报名. 提交申请 拉文纳的案子.

2025-2026学年的申请现已开放. 要查看即将到来的巡演日期, click here. Contact our Admissions Team with any questions.





• Applicants for Léman Explorers must be 12-24 months old on or before September 1 of the year for which they are applying.
• Applicants for PreK2 must be two years old on or before September 1 of the year for which they are applying
• Applicants for PreK 3 must be three years old on or before September 1 of the year for which they are applying
• Applicants for PreK 4 must be four years old on or before September 1 of the year for which they are applying
• Applicants for Kindergarten must be five years old on or before September 1 of the year for which they are applying
• Applicants for Grade 1 and above are considered based on both age and prior school experience.


The application process is comprised of three key elements: required forms; campus visits and interviews; and admission testing (Grades 6 through 12). Please select the grade your child is applying for specific information on admission requirements.


There are multiple inputs into a student's candidacy for admission and we consider each child holistically. For Lower School, the student's visit, 现就读学校报告, 家长陈述和面试有助于不朽情缘做出录取决定. 初中和高中, all six pieces of the application are important and weighed equally (parent statement, student statement, school report, recommendations, standardized testing, and student visit).


家长会是家长与招生团队成员见面的时间. 这次会议让不朽情缘了解了你们,也让你们了解了不朽情缘学校. 不朽情缘也期待着回答您可能有的任何问题. This meeting will be scheduled after you submit your admission application and will last approximately 45 minutes.




即将到来的巡演日期列在不朽情缘的网站上 Ravenna page. 需要预约. 如需安排参观,请通过电子邮件联系招生团队成员: admissions@chalakseir.com or phone: 212-232-0266.


不朽情缘随时可以回答你的任何问题. 请随时通过电子邮件与不朽情缘联系: admissions@chalakseir.com or phone: 212-232-0266.


Léman Manhattan begins accepting applications for the following school year at the end of August, before Labor Day. Completed applications will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee and notifications will be made on a continuous, space-available basis. 你是否应该选择曼哈顿学院, 不朽情缘鼓励您参加不朽情缘的早期通知计划.


PreK 3, PreK 4 and Kindergarten applicants participate in an observed playgroup with similar-aged children. Students applying to Grade 1 through 5 participate in a half-day classroom visit at Léman. Middle and High School students participate in a one-on-one interview with an Admissions representative.


The Admissions Committee of Léman Manhattan issues admissions decisions on a continuous basis in accordance with our admissions preference policy. Families who apply through our regular notification program can typically anticipate a decision from the school within one week of their application's completion date, 一月初开始. Sibling and Early Notification applicants have earlier notification dates, which can be reviewed here.

我的标准化考试成绩要到11月24日以后才能收到. 我还有资格申请提前通知吗?

We will notify Early Notification families of their admissions decisions no earlier than December 7. This date is mainly for grades that do not require standardized tests (early childhood through 1st grade). 对于其他选择提前通知的家庭, we will make admissions decisions as soon as the file is complete instead of waiting until February.

如果我等到常规的录取决定时间, 这对我的录取机会有什么影响?

由于今年对学校的兴趣很高, 不朽情缘预计可分配的可用位置会更少. Early Notification is the most effective way for eligible families to secure a placement at Léman.


学费为学生的日常需求提供全面的覆盖, 包括营养午餐和零食计划, educational supplies, books, athletic fees, 并为符合条件的学生提供黄色巴士服务. 请注意制服, 私人交通工具, overnight trips, 课外活动不包括在内.


学生走路,骑滑板车,乘地铁或轮渡,或开车去学校. 位于曼哈顿下城的交通枢纽, 从纽约市的所有街区都可以很容易地到达lsamman. 4/5和2/3地铁线就在不朽情缘家门口. 50%的lsamman学生住在市中心, 不朽情缘是许多家庭步行即可到达的社区学校. 不朽情缘靠近西侧高速公路和罗斯福大道,从上城区驾车出行很方便. Ferry service a short walk from Léman transports students from DUMBO and Williamsburg.


是的,不朽情缘从幼儿园开始就提供经济援助. 经济援助以先到者为准, first-served basis throughout the year and is communicated to families as part of the admission decision.

Léman Manhattan encourages families with demonstrated need to apply for financial assistance. Léman Manhattan's application for financial aid is provided by School and Student Services (SSS) by the National Association of Independent Schools. 根据您提供的信息, SSS为不朽情缘提供了您的家庭可以承担的教育费用的估计金额, 什么能帮助不朽情缘做出公平客观的财政援助决定.


The amount of tuition that a family should be expected to pay is based on the family's financial need. Financial need is defined as the difference between the family's resources and its total educational expenses. The major factors affecting financial need include the family's net income and assets, the number of dependents and the number of children attending school and colleges charging tuition. 津贴包括某些税收、医疗费用和不寻常的开支.


No, net income is just one of the factors used when determining whether or not a family qualifies for financial aid. Assets, debts, and the number of dependents also influence the financial aid process. Léman Manhattan's financial aid program serves families with a broad range of income levels.


No. 申请经济资助不会影响不朽情缘录取的决定. Admission is need-blind and based solely on the academic merit and personal qualities of each applicant. In accordance with the National Association of Independent Schools Principles of Good Practice, Léman Manhattan utilizes a need-blind admission process that keeps admission and financial as separate processes.


No. 家庭需要每年重新申请经济援助.

Does a change in a family's financial circumstances result in a change in the financial aid decision?

Significant changes may influence the amount of aid that is awarded the following year. Depending on the change, this could result in an increase or decrease in the level of aid awarded. Also, changes in the financial aid budget and allocation may affect the amount of aid awarded.


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